Ruby Gloomed

Me & Ruby | Favorite Links | Contact Me



Ruby is so cute!

My name is Jen Gloom, I have got to be Ruby Gloom's biggest fan. She is so cute. My parents always said I wore too much black...that I looked depressed. Now they like my Ruby Gloom clothes and they understand you don't have to smile to be happy all the time.

I started this page because I think there should be more Ruby Gloom Fans and I want to find them and share Ruby stuff. Plus I would love to meet her. :)~

This is me around my pond in the back yard...I love watching the fish.

What's New?

5/12/02 Updated Me & Ruby about our crazy weekend.

WOW!! The Ruby Gloom page looks so good now! They even have this cool forum where we can all chat.

I am only 16 and this is my first webpage!

No, Gloom is not my real last name.

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.

Jen Gloom

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